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Youtube Teacher’s Channel

I have been watching the Youtube Teacher’s Channel since it launched recently and am thrilled at the content and resources available to teachers.  Whether or not you are in support of students viewing content on Youtube, every teacher can use this new channel as a resource for their own discovery process.

Edudemic has a nice post about it here.


2011 Global Education Symposium








On October 31st I will be presenting on 21st Century Learning Environments with Mr. Darren Price.  This is the second year the symposium has been held and is sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in conjunction with Hanyang University.  It is always interesting to walk into a presentation situation not knowing how many participants will be there and the background of the target audience.  In any case, I am looking forward to it.  More details are in the brochure, here.


Siri is here. Can I get a response?

Yesterday I gave a presentation to about 40 educational leaders in Korea representing all the various provinces and other organizations.  The topic focused on English education and mobile devices.  One thing that I pointed out was that responsive artificial intelligence has finally arrived in a form that can be used by anyone and that the impact could be helpful for English language learners.  Dragon Dictation has been well-received and very helpful on Apple’s iOS platform (and others), but it doesn’t respond to you intelligently.  It only dictates what you speak.  Now, with Siri… there’s a response.

I can imagine that in the future that artificial intelligence will be applied in many different ways.  Imagine reading a digital book where you can have a conversation with the main characters and even give input to what actions they take.


Dragon Dictation: