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December 1, 2011

“Life-long Learning” Has Changed

by fambrojoe


Do you remember the first time you heard the words “Life-long learner”?  I remember hearing it as a child, but cannot recall the first time.  People in my life have encouraged me to be a life-longer learner as long as I can remember.  Typically people are referring to the “love of learning” or they are trying to encourage others to be avid readers and try new experiences.

The concept of life-long learning can be used to refer to informal learning experiences or more formal experiences such as adult education.  In either case, it has changed drastically over recent years as more educational institutions have moved content to open, online spaces.  Many universities are moving their courses to an open format and this makes life-long learning much more accessible!  We can now learn from any location and at any time.

Do you use any open courseware content for secondary school teaching?


Here are are some great places to go for free online, open courses:

  1. Apple iTunesU (Stanford, Harvard, many others) (University list)
  2. MIT Open Courseware
  3. Yale Open Courses
  4. Tufts Open Courseware
  5. Berkeley Webcast

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